Virginia-North Carolina Piedmont Genealogical Society


Franklin, Henry, Pittsylvania and Halifax Counties in Virginia
Rockingham, Caswell and Person Counties in North Carolina

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Family History Search - Information

For over 35 years the Society has collected Family Histories which are now indexed and included in a searchable Family History Database on our webpage. Most of these Family Histories have been donated by society members and patrons who have conducted a great deal of their research in our search room. These books contain a wealth of information about families who have their roots in Pittsylvania and surrounding Virginia and North Carolina Counties. Many of these books contain family pictures, information from Family Bibles, military information, marriages, deaths, cemeteries, pedigree charts and where the family immigrated from and immigrated to.

Each record in the Family History Data Base contains Family Name, Author/Donor, Title of Book and where the history book is located in the search room. If the Family Name or Book Title contains more than one family name, all families listed in either of these fields will be listed. For example if the family being searched is Beck or Jones, the book "The Family of Thomas R. Jones and Ida Mae Beck" will be located in both cases. Another way of finding a Family History is to enter only the name of the Author/ Donor to display all books matching the name entered. Obviously, the more information entered about the family, the better the chance of finding an exact match.

Once a Family History is located, copies of desired pages may be copied in our search room at our regular copy charge of twenty cents per page. Any user who is unable to visit our search room to make copies of pages from a Family History may contact the society for assistance. Family Histories may not be removed from our search room under any circumstance.

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©2019 The Virginia-North Carolina Piedmont Genealogical Society
Permission is granted for other genealogical societies or groups to quote or reprint articles, provided credit
is given to the VA-NC Piedmont Genealogical Society and the author. Any commercial use is prohibited.