Virginia-North Carolina Piedmont Genealogical Society


Franklin, Henry, Pittsylvania and Halifax Counties in Virginia
Rockingham, Caswell and Person Counties in North Carolina

Contact Us      
Society Membership

Society Membership is open to all individuals, families, libraries, and societies. Members receive a copy of Piedmont Lineages which is published quarterly. Membership dues cover an entire year (January - December). A $30 membership will include a PHYSICAL copy of Piedmont Lineages mailed to the address on your membership. A $20 membership will include an EMAILED copy of Piedmont Lineages.

Members are encouraged to share surnames, localities, and pertinent data on each name you are researching by submitting names typed or printed on 3" x 5" index cards with your name and address on each card. These will be put in files to be used by others. On your application form, give surnames to be published in the annual listing in Piedmont Lineages.

Please complete and print the membership application form to include with your payment. Make checks payable to the VA-NC Piedmont Genealogical Society. **$20.00 payments can be made by using the PayPal link below.

Mail application form with payment to:
P.O. Box 1103
Danville, VA 24543-1103

Click here to complete and print the membership form.

©2019 The Virginia-North Carolina Piedmont Genealogical Society
Permission is granted for other genealogical societies or groups to quote or reprint articles, provided credit
is given to the VA-NC Piedmont Genealogical Society and the author. Any commercial use is prohibited.