Virginia-North Carolina Piedmont Genealogical Society


Franklin, Henry, Pittsylvania and Halifax Counties in Virginia
Rockingham, Caswell and Person Counties in North Carolina

Contact Us      
Piedmont Lineages Newsletter

Members receive Piedmont Lineages which is published quarterly. The Society cannot assume responsibility for opinions and errors in articles submitted. Errors are corrected promptly.

Members' queries are published in Piedmont Lineages free of charge. Non-members' queries cost $1.00 for the first 50 words and $2.00 over 50 words. Queries should be brief. The staff has the right to edit.

Table of Contents of Past Issues












©2019 The Virginia-North Carolina Piedmont Genealogical Society
Permission is granted for other genealogical societies or groups to quote or reprint articles, provided credit
is given to the VA-NC Piedmont Genealogical Society and the author. Any commercial use is prohibited.